5:30-7:30pm Thu. Mar. 16

Trivia with Trivia Tom

Come on down and enjoy some of the best trivia in the valley, curated by the legendary Trivia Tom!

Bunkhouse Brewery - Four Corners 7715 Shedhorn Drive, Bozeman

Cost: FREE

Age: All Ages

7-10pm Thu. Mar. 16

Charles Ellsworth

Live music while you soak! Featuring the touring americana artist Charles Ellsworth.

Bozeman Hot Springs & Fitness 81123 Gallatin Road, Four Corners

Cost: With Admission

Age: All Ages

7pm Thu. Mar. 16

Bingo Night

Its a game that we all know and love, so why not bring everyone down for dinner, and drinks!

The Jump 75770 Gallatin Rd, Gallatin Gateway

Cost: $20

Age: 18+

7:30-9pm Thu. Mar. 16

Taiko Project

TAIKOPROJECT first made waves when they became the first American taiko group to win the prestigious Tokyo International Taiko Contest in 2005, besting all of the Japanese taiko groups in the competition.

Warren Miller Performing Arts Center 45465 Gallatin Road, Big Sky

Cost: $20+

Age: All Ages

8-10pm Thu. Mar. 16

Thursday Night Out!

A perfect time to check our hilarious improv shows, this month including Now with Annie & Levin and our House teams.

Last Best Comedy 321 E Main, Alley Entrance off Rouse, Bozeman

Cost: $10

Age: 18+