
Tis The Season

Angie Ripple  |   Wednesday Dec. 1

For me, growing up in Montana meant searching for and cutting down a Christmas tree each year with my family. We lived close to plenty of pine trees that were available for us to cut down and bring home. My dad would lead the charge to the forest and…

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November Cover Artist: Ella Kuzyk

Monday Nov. 1

Ella Kuzyk has been making art since she could reach her tiny baby hands into a jar of paint.Raised on the mountains of California, Nevada, and Washington, Ella has a deep and fiery passion for the outdoors. Through high school, she nurtured that…

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End Camp

Steve McGann  |   Monday Nov. 1

Years ago, a friend called me saying that he wanted to take me out to dinner for my birthday. He told me to pick the place. After thinking for a day or two I called him back and said I wanted to camp at Hyalite and have him cook me a steak over the…

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Mountain Therapy

Maisie Bissell  |   Monday Nov. 1

How do I even begin to describe Bozeman? It is honestly a dream. From morning walks to being on a mountain top. It feels as if I entered another world. Everywhere I look reminds me of a painting, and sometimes I wonder if it’s too good to be…

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The High End Real Estate Market

Tim Ford  |   Monday Nov. 1

By now, most people have heard that the Real Estate market in Bozeman has increased dramatically since the start of the pandemic, both in activity levels and pricing. What has also been interesting is the increases in the higher price ranges. The…

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Colombo’s Pizza & Pasta

Paige Anderson  |   Monday Nov. 1

When you first walk into Colombo’s Pizza & Pasta and admire the black and white photos plastered upon the walls, you can begin to understand the deep-rooted family history that the restaurant was founded upon. It’s no wonder that…

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It’s Okay to Have a Snow Day

Monday Nov. 1

Being a student (or anyone really) on the first snow of the year is hard. Oftentimes, when fall is just about to peak and the pumpkin and cinnamon is starting to flow freely in my pies and cookies, four inches of snow hits overnight. That often…

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Volunteer Your Talent

Angie Ripple  |   Monday Nov. 1

November is a month of giving and thanks, a perfect time to consider when and where you can volunteer your talents locally. Volunteering is a rewarding way to learn, make new friends, explore career options, and give back to your community…

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The Piano Tuner

Kevin Brustuen  |   Monday Nov. 1

Pianos are usually taken for granted by most of us; they sit in the neglected corners of public rooms gathering dust or against the wall in Grandma’s house serving as a repository of family photos, the ivory keys faded and slow to return. Yet…

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A Bozeman Murder Story

Angie Ripple  |   Friday Oct. 1

Instead of a personal narrative or welcome to Bozeman letter I would like to retell a Bozeman murder story I researched in 2016 with you in this October 2021 issue. In 1965 employees at AMC Sullivan Photo Company at 115 E Main St in Downtown Bozeman…

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Steve McGann  |   Friday Oct. 1

There was a theme in last month’s issue of this magazine. Articles by Angie Ripple, Michael Gillan, and Christopher Dyrland-Marquis explored cooperation, samaritanism, neighborliness. In short, they all seemed to say: This is Montana…

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October Cover Artist: Larry Blackwood

Friday Oct. 1

Larry Blackwood is a fine art photographer from Bozeman, Montana. He has spent over 40 years exploring self-expression through photography. Larry originally worked in a black and white darkroom environment, switching to digital methods around 1998…

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Bacchus Pub

Angie Ripple  |   Friday Oct. 1

Stepping into the Bacchus Pub within the Baxter Hotel in downtown Bozeman can transport you to another time and place, namely 1929 with architecture designed by Fred Willson, who styled the cozy space to evoke the atmosphere of a historic European…

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Kathleen Johns  |   Friday Oct. 1

The twenty-something party crowd packed into local Bozeman venue El Camino on Main Street knows every word to this rock n’ roll anthem by The Killers and they aren’t shy about singing along boisterously, arms slung around shoulders or…

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Bozeman Symphony 2021

Kevin Brustuen  |   Friday Oct. 1

On October 30 and 31 the Bozeman Symphony presents Symphonie Fantastique at the Willson Auditorium. Symphonie Fantastique, the symphony’s second performance of this season, includes Carl Maria von Weber’s “Overture to Der…

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Even In Montana

Emily Lewis  |   Friday Oct. 1

I walk through the brush with my eyes cast ahead. The heat in the air feels heavy like a blanket draped over my body, one I can’t take off. I try getting used to the heaviness. My gate slows and my breathing steadies. The smoke lingers around…

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