
2022 Recreational Marijuana

Friday Dec. 31

Recreational sales in Montana begin on January 1st, 2022! Whether or not you are new to the cannabis world or have been involved in the medical side of the industry, our staff at Ganja Goddess are excited to answer any questions you may have as we…

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Contemplations In The Cold

Kelly Nicholson  |   Friday Dec. 31

It’s finally Saturday again. There’s no alarm to wake me before my body is ready, no rush to gather my wits for the drive across town to punch a timecard. It’s a day to rest as long as I need to. Magpie complaints eventually rouse…

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The Intersection of Art and Science

How A Chance Meeting Between A Cancer Researcher And An Abstract Artist Led To An Unlikely Friendship And A Project To Help Children With Cancer

Angie Ripple  |   Friday Dec. 31

In 2011, Stella Blue Woods was a boisterous Bozeman preschooler with a bright future. Her father, Andy, was a self-employed tile setter and her mother, Andrea, was a stay-at-home mom when, at just four years old, their daughter was diagnosed with…

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10 Unusual Winter Hobbies

Kelly Nicholson  |   Friday Dec. 31

The Winter Solstice and the darkest days of winter are behind us now as we head into a new year, but we won’t notice much difference in the length of days for a while. Until the days run long into the evening again, we will need something to…

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Freshies Café

Angie Ripple  |   Friday Dec. 31

With a new year comes the opportunity to make new choices. If you haven’t visited Freshies Café [290 W Kagy Blvd Suite A, Bozeman] since they opened in March 2020, it’s time to freshen up your food options. The space, which…

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Big Sky Philanthropist Builds Cancer-Screening Impact Abroad

Dr. Patricia Gordon Works with Organization to Introduce Strategies for Screening Cervical Cancer in Impoverished Communities

Christopher Dyrland-Marquis  |   Friday Dec. 31

If you had the choice, would you participate in a health screening that could potentially save your life? Many probably would, and yet it may be shocking to learn that according to the World Health Organization, cervical cancer rests as the fourth…

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Here's to 2022

Angie Ripple  |   Friday Dec. 31

Welcome to the 175th issue of Bozeman Magazine! Since June 2007, we have been telling the Bozeman story with the help of local contributing writers. Someone recently told me that the “genius” of our concept is that we allow any community…

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Top 10 Bozeman Resolutions

Tuesday Dec. 28

After months of beautiful weather (and thankfully just a few that aggressively nipped at our ice-caked noses), it looks like another year in Bozeman has flown by again. And, inevitably, the abandonment of my previous New Year’s resolutions are…

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Montana's Last Best Comedy

Kevin Brustuen  |   Wednesday Dec. 1

This September, the former Colonel Blacks nightclub in downtown Bozeman became Last Best Comedy—the very first club devoted to comedy in Montana’s history. Comedians Molly Hannan, Annie O‘Connor, and Levin O’Connor felt it was…

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Knowing When To Turn Back

Maisie Bissell  |   Wednesday Dec. 1

Most of the time when people are told not to do something, they do it anyway. It’s just human nature to put up a challenge and go against the rules. As humans, we don’t truly learn unless we experience the consequences ourselves. If we…

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The Best Time To List A Home

Tim Ford  |   Wednesday Dec. 1

As I write this, we’re having an unseasonably warm fall & early winter. Hopefully, by the time this goes to print, it will be looking a little bit more like winter. Beyond being the time of year many locals are prepping for ski season, this…

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Shalom, Bozeman A New Rabbi Has Arrived

Wednesday Dec. 1

As Congregation Beth Shalom’s new rabbi, I am excited to be the sixth rabbi in the short but sweet history of Beth Shalom, the Jewish Reform congregation in the heart of Bozeman. The congregation is housed in a little mint-green building on…

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December Cover Artist: Averi Iris Smith

Wednesday Dec. 1

Averi Smith is a Montana Native, a self-taught teen artist living in Bozeman, and a Junior at Gallatin High School. As many kids do, Averi loved to paint as a young child. It wasn’t until 2015, at the age of 10 that her painting began to look…

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