Guardian Spirit, Inc. a Billings Montana 501c3 is working with the Autism Society of America to create a virtual community center

Wednesday Nov. 30th, 2016

Guardian Spirit, Inc. a Billings Montana 501c3 is working with the Autism Society of America to create a virtual community center within the Second Life game world.

The purpose of this virtual community center is to have a space to meet, have support groups, social events and display the talent of autistic artists worldwide.

Our goal is to have weekly social events as a community building tool. We also have space available for peer run support groups for both parents and teens/adults on the spectrum. We also have a volunteer team that will be available to help you find resources and support in your local area.

There is no fee to use Second Life and no fee to take advantage of the services and events at our Virtual Community Center.

To sign up for a free Second Life account:

To download an easier to use viewer for SL:

To visit the Virtual Community Center once you are in world:

To learn more about Guardian Spirit, Inc. :

To contact me directly:

Marcus Morris
(406) 698 -1679
Twitter: @marcmorr6