Surviving Bozeman

Letter From the Editor

Angie Ripple  |   Saturday Aug. 1st, 2015

Bozeman, Montana. What an amazingly interesting little place, don’t you think? Nestled neatly in the middle of nowhere with the majesty and beauty of countless mountain ranges surrounding us and the nation’s first National Park in our backyard, we are certainly a town with a pioneer spirit and moxie to boot. Yes, we have rock stars living in our hills, and movie stars in our valleys, but greater than that is the view of the unencumbered Big Sky at night; you can pick out every constellation and star gaze to your heart’s delight. What brought you here, I wonder? And, maybe more importantly, will you stay, and for how long?

This August marks the 20th year for me in Bozeman, Montana. In August nineteen hundred and ninety five, I unpacked my brown Toyota Corona (yes, that’s a model) and brought my things into Hannon Hall on the campus of Montana State University for the first time. I was nineteen years old, thinking the world was my oyster, but also realizing that for the first time I was on my own, making my own way. I started out at MSU without a decided major, moving from Griz nation to Bobcat nation. My small town on the Flathead Indian reservation was a good primer to the diversity I would find in the coming years, and prepared me, if only minutely, for the challenges I would face ahead.

Twenty years is a big accomplishment in a college town where transition seems the norm and moving on even more common. Nearly all of my best college friends moved away shortly after graduating, which has been a long while now. Even new friends have passed through my life and my town for shorter periods of time than I would have liked. Can you survive Bozeman isn’t just a cute quip, it’s a real question in my book.

How you enjoy Bozeman has everything to do with your survival here, and whether or not you will ultimately stay. Do we have what you are passionate about? Can we keep you occupied? And can you find a niche that you can’t live without?

For many it is the recreation: from hiking, biking, skiing, climbing, rafting, fishing, you name it, we’ve got it. This issue of Bozeman Magazine features fishing in cool waters during our high temp summer months, and a reflection on the Gallatin mountain range, both past and present.

For those who stay closer to town, it is education: cultural treasures like the Museum of the Rockies, art galleries, music venues and repeating events that keep us entertained. Every issue of Bozeman Magazine features the Greater Yellowstone Events Calendar, with anything and everything that is happening in Bozeman listed. We also feature a huge section of Montana Music, because music is a great uniter, it brings people together, and that’s what Bozeman needs more of.

You won’t survive long without food, and Bozemanites are well fed. We have hundreds of local restaurants, a heaping handful of local farmers, and grocery stores that offer (nearly) anything you can ask for. If you are looking for a new place to graze check out the Bozeman Food Finder at

It will no doubt take more than one thing to keep you in Bozeman. Bozeman Magazine is here to help you find your way. If you don’t like it here, I hear North Dakota is nice.

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